Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Types: Sexual Assault:

Types: Sexual Assault:

Ancient History: General; Medieval History: General, 11th Century, 12th Century, 13th Century, 14th Century, 15th Century; Modern History: 16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century, 19th Century, 20th Century, 21st Century


I. Author Index

[Info] Anzböck, Susanne. Als Frau und Gegnerin. Zur Bedeutung von Vergewaltigungen im Krieg. Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien, 2002.

[Info] Beck-Heppner, Birgit. »Gender Specific Crimes in Wars of the Modern Age.« Transcultural Wars from the Middle Ages to the 21st Century. Edited by Hans-Henning Kortüm. Berlin 2006: 165-182.

[Info] Birnbacher, Leonhard. »Sexuelle Gewalt in Kriegen und bewaffneten Konflikten.« Trauma & Gewalt 6 (2012): 108-121.

[Info] Branche, Raphaëlle, et al. »Écrire l’histoire des viols en temps de guerre.« Viols en temps de guerre. Edited by Raphaëlle Branche et al. Paris 2011: 7-24.

[Info] Branche, Raphaëlle, et al. »Writing the History of Rape in Wartime.« Rape in Wartime. Edited by Raphaëlle Branche et al. Basingstoke 2012: 1-16.

[Info] Card, Claudia. »Rape as a weapon of war.« Hypatia 11 (1996): 5-18.

[Info] Card, Claudia. »Addendum to "Rape as a weapon of war".« Hypatia 12 (1997): 216-218.

[Info] Cockburn, Cynthia. »War and security, women and gender: An overview of the issues.« Gender & Development 21 (2013): 433-452.

[Info] Copelon, Rhonda. »Women and War Crimes.« St. John's Law Review 69 (1995): 61-68.

[Info] Crawford, Kerry F. »From spoils to weapons: Framing wartime sexual violence.« Gender & Development 21 (2013): 505-517.

[Info] Cubero, José. La femme et le soldat: Viols et violences de guerre du Moyen Âge à nos jours. Paris 2012.

[Info] deMause, Lloyd. »War as righteous rape and purification.« Journal of psychohistory 27 (2000): 356-445.

[Info] Diken, Bülent, et al. Becoming Abject - Rape as a Weapon of War. Aalborg 2004.

[Info] Diken, Bülent, et al. »Becoming Abject: Rape as a Weapon of War.« Body & Society 11 (2005): 111-128.

[Info] Dolgopol, Ustinia. »Rape as a war crime. Mythology and history.« Common grounds. Violence against women in war and armed conflict situations. Edited by Indai L. Sajor. Quezon City 1998.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Bos, Pascale. »Framing Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict: What We (May) Fail to See.« Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Paris 2012.

[Info] Cheldelin, Sandra, et al. »Rape and Gendercide: The Story of All Wars.« 51st Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association. New Orleans 2010.

[Info] Curry, Tommy. »From Gendercide to Phallicism: A Theory of Racialization, Otherness, and Male Rape in Genocides, War, and Racially Repressive Regimes.« Sexual Violence in the Context of the Holocaust, Genocide and War. Montreal 2018.

[Info] Doja, Albert. »Mass Rapes as a Military Strategy and Instrument of Ethnic Cleansing.« War and Sexual Violence. New York 2016.

[Info] Eastwood, Margaret, et al. »Silent Voices: War Rape and the Battlefield on Women’s Bodies.« Liverpool John Moores University. Liverpool 2009.

[Info] Flisi, Isabella. »Engendering the Understanding of War Sexual Violence: Men Victims of Sexual Violence and Hyper Masculinities.« War and Sexual Violence. New York 2016.

[Info] Gaca, Kathy. »Girls, Women, and the Sexual Norms of War from Antiquity to the Modern Day.« The History of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones. Iowa City 2006.

[Info] Gerstendörfer, Monika. »Gewalt gegen Frauen als politisches und militärisches Kalkül. Der rote Faden zwischen Krieg und Frieden.« Beiträge zur feministischen Theorie und Praxis 27 (2004): 17-29.

[Info] Gorris, Ellen A.P. »Invisible victims? Where are male victims of conflict-related sexual violence in international law and policy?« European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (2015): 412-427.

[Info] Heineman, Elizabeth. »The history of sexual violence in conflict zones. Conference report.« Radical history review No. 101 (2008): 5-21.

[Info] Heineman, Elizabeth D. »Introduction: The History of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones« Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: From the Ancient World to the Era of Human Rights. Edited by Elizabeth D. Heineman. Philadelphia 2011: 1-21.

[Info] Heineman, Elizabeth D., ed. Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: From the Ancient World to the Era of Human Rights. Philadelphia 2011.

[Info] Henry, Nicola. »Theorizing Wartime Rape: Deconstructing Gender, Sexuality, and Violence.« Gender & Society (October 9, 2015).

[Info] Jones, Joshua A. »Addressing the Use of Sexual Violence as a Strategic Weapon of War.« Student Pulse 5 (2013).

[Info] Kümmel, Gerhard. »Sex in the Army. Militärische Organisationen und Sexualität« Forschungsthema Militär. Militärische Organisationen im Spannungsfeld von Krieg, Gesellschaft und soldatischen Subjekten. Edited by Maja Appelt. Wiesbaden 2010: 221-242.

[Info] Laws, J. »War and rape.« History today 55 (2005): 60.

[Info] Lilly, J. Robert, et al. »Rape – Wartime.« Encyclopedia of criminology and deviant behavior. Vol. 3. Edited by Clifton D. Bryant. Philadelphia 2000: 318-322.

[Info] Manjoo, Rashida. »Sexual Violence in War and Peace.« »Against Our Will«—Forty Years After: Exploring the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Hamburg 2015.

[Info] Mikaberidze, Alexander, ed. Atrocities, Massacres, and War Crimes: An Encyclopedia. 2 Volumes. Santa Barbara 2013.

[Info] Milillo, Diana. »Rape as a tactic of war. Social and psychological perspectives.« Affilia 21 (2006): 196-205.

[Info] Mischowski, Gabriela. »Geschichte, Probleme und Zwickmühlen der internationalen Strafverfolgung sexualisierter Kriegsgewalt.« Zwangsprostitution und Krieg im 20. und beginnenden 21. Jahrhundert. Fürstenberg/Havel 2007.

[Info] Mischowski, Gabriela. »Between Analysis and Politics.« Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Paris 2012.

[Info] Morrow, Lance. »Rape.« Reader’s companion to military history. Edited by Robert Cowley et al. Boston 1996: 378-379.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »"Wie jedes Gewehr oder jede Granate dient Vergewaltigung einem bestimmten militärischen Zweck...": Zur Systematik sexueller Gewalt in Kriegen.« Frauen aus aller Welt. Dresden 2006.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Post-Conflict Mapping: Moments of Silencing/Addressing Perpetrators of Sexual Violence.« Perpetrators – Reactions and Responses. Coimbra 2011.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Sexuelle Gewalt in militärischen Konflikten: Täter, Täterinnen und Opfer.« Der Krieg der Schwestern: Die neue Menschlichkeit des Militärs? Hannover 2011.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »The Idea of an international, interdisciplinary Research Network.« Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Paris 2012.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina, et al. »Sexuelle Gewalt in Kriegen. Auswahlbibliographie.« Mittelweg 36 10 (2001): 21-32.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina, et al. »Forschungsverbund „Sexuelle Gewalt in bewaffneten Konflikten”.« L’Homme 21 (2010): 85-88.

[Info] Muravyeva, Marianna. »« Ni pillage ni viol sans ordre préalable ». Codifier la guerre dans l’Europe moderne.« Clio No. 39 (2014): 55-81.

[Info] Opitz, Claudia. »Von Frauen im Krieg zum Krieg gegen Frauen. Krieg, Gewalt und Geschlechterbeziehungen aus historischer Sicht.« L’Homme 3 (1992): 31-44.

[Info] Opitz, Claudia. »Von Frauen im Krieg zum Krieg gegen Frauen. Krieg, Gewalt und Geschlechterbeziehungen aus historischer Sicht.« Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Frauen – kein Thema? Edited by Gisela Gräning. Münster 1993: 11-28.

[Info] Pohl, Rolf. »Massenvergewaltigungen. Zum Verhältnis von Krieg und männlicher Sexualität.« Mittelweg 36 11 (2002): 53-75.

[Info] Sajor, Indai L, ed. Common grounds. Violence against women in war and armed conflict situations. Quezon City 1998.

[Info] Sample, Lisa, et al. »Rape During Political Conflicts: A Call to Study Offenders and Victims.« 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. San Francisco 2010.

[Info] Schott, Robin M. »Just war and the problem of evil.« Hypatia 23 (2008): 122-140.

[Info] Schott, Robin M. »War rape, natality and genocide« Journal of Genocide Research 13 (2011): 5-21.

[Info] Seifert, Ruth. »Krieg und Vergewaltigung. Ansätze zu einer Analyse.« Massenvergewaltigung. Krieg gegen Frauen. Edited by Alexandra Stiglmayer. Freiburg 1993: 85-108.

[Info] Seifert, Ruth. »The Female Body as a Symbol and a Sign: Gender-Specific Violence in War.« Women´s Bodies as Battlefields - Sexual Violence against Women in Wartime. Hamburg 2001.

[Info] Seifert, Ruth. »Il corpo femminile come corpo politico. Lo stupro, la guerra e la nazione.« Difesa sociale 86 (2007): 41-54.

[Info] Sivakumaran, Sandesh. »Sexual violence against men in armed conflict.« European journal of international law 18 (2007): 253-276.

[Info] Stoff, Laurie, et al. »Gender and Conflict: A New Journal, New Questions.« 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017.

[Info] Wachalaa, Kas. »The Tools to Combat the War on Women's Bodies: Rape and Sexual Violence against Women in Armed Conflict.« International Journal of Human Rights 16 (2012): 533-553.

[Info] Winter, Sebastian. »Male and Military Pseudo-Solutions for the Dilemma of Sexuality.« War and Sexual Violence. New York 2016.

[Info] Wood, Elisabeth J. »Multiple perpetrator rape during war.« Handbook on the Study of Multiple Perpetrator Rape: A multidisciplinary response to an international problem. Edited by Miranda A.H. Horvath et al. New York 2013: 132-159.

[Info] Zipfel, Gaby. »Männlichkeit, Sexualität und Gewalt im Krieg – Zur Systematik von sexueller Gewalt und Zwangsprostitution.« Zwangsprostitution und Krieg im 20. und beginnenden 21. Jahrhundert. Fürstenberg/Havel 2007.