Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Types: Sexual Assault:

Types: Sexual Assault:

I n f o r m a t i o n

»Wartime sexual violence is rape or other forms of sexual violence committed by combatants during an armed conflict, war, or military occupation often as spoils of war, but sometimes, particularly in ethnic conflict, the phenomenon has broader sociological motives. Wartime sexual violence may also include gang rape and rape with objects. It is distinguished from sexual harassment, sexual assaults and rape committed amongst troops in military service.« -- More information: Wikipedia

C a t e g o r i e s

Ancient History: General, Ancient Near Eastern History, Assyrian History, Chinese History, Egyptian History, Etruscan History, Greek History, Israelite History, Persian History, Roman History

Medieval History: General, 10th Century, 11th Century, 12th Century, 13th Century, 14th Century, 15th Century

Modern History: General, 16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century, 19th Century, 20th Century, 21st Century


I. Author Index

[Info] Anzböck, Susanne. Als Frau und Gegnerin. Zur Bedeutung von Vergewaltigungen im Krieg. Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien, 2002.

[Info] Aschmann, Birgit, et al. »Von Ehre und Ängsten: Vorschläge zu einer integrierten Emotionsgeschichte illegitimer Gewalt in militärischen Gewaltkulturen.« »When you catch one kill him slowly«: Militärische Gewaltkulturen von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. Edited by Birgit Aschmann et al. Frankfurt/Main 2024: 247-277.

[Info] Beck-Heppner, Birgit. »Gender Specific Crimes in Wars of the Modern Age.« Transcultural Wars from the Middle Ages to the 21st Century. Edited by Hans-Henning Kort m. Berlin 2006: 165-182.

[Info] Birnbacher, Leonhard. »Sexuelle Gewalt in Kriegen und bewaffneten Konflikten.« Trauma & Gewalt 6 (2012): 108-121.

[Info] Branche, Rapha lle, et al. » crire l histoire des viols en temps de guerre.« Viols en temps de guerre. Edited by Rapha lle Branche et al. Paris 2011: 7-24.

[Info] Branche, Rapha lle, et al. »Writing the History of Rape in Wartime.« Rape in Wartime. Edited by Rapha lle Branche et al. Basingstoke 2012: 1-16.

[Info] Card, Claudia. »Rape as a weapon of war.« Hypatia 11 (1996): 5-18.

[Info] Card, Claudia. »Addendum to "Rape as a weapon of war".« Hypatia 12 (1997): 216-218.

[Info] Cockburn, Cynthia. »War and security, women and gender: An overview of the issues.« Gender & Development 21 (2013): 433-452.

[Info] Copelon, Rhonda. »Women and War Crimes.« St. John's Law Review 69 (1995): 61-68.

[Info] Crawford, Kerry F. »From spoils to weapons: Framing wartime sexual violence.« Gender & Development 21 (2013): 505-517.

[Info] Cubero, Jos . La femme et le soldat: Viols et violences de guerre du Moyen ge nos jours. Paris 2012.

[Info] deMause, Lloyd. »War as righteous rape and purification.« Journal of psychohistory 27 (2000): 356-445.

[Info] Diken, B lent, et al. Becoming Abject - Rape as a Weapon of War. Aalborg 2004.

[Info] Diken, B lent, et al. »Becoming Abject: Rape as a Weapon of War.« Body & Society 11 (2005): 111-128.

[Info] Dolgopol, Ustinia. »Rape as a war crime. Mythology and history.« Common grounds. Violence against women in war and armed conflict situations. Edited by Indai L. Sajor. Quezon City 1998.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Bos, Pascale. Framing Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict: What We (May) Fail to See. Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Paris 2012.

[Info] Cheldelin, Sandra, et al. Rape and Gendercide: The Story of All Wars. 51st Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association. New Orleans 2010.

[Info] Curry, Tommy. From Gendercide to Phallicism: A Theory of Racialization, Otherness, and Male Rape in Genocides, War, and Racially Repressive Regimes. Sexual Violence in the Context of the Holocaust, Genocide and War. Montreal 2018.

[Info] Doja, Albert. Mass Rapes as a Military Strategy and Instrument of Ethnic Cleansing. War and Sexual Violence. New York 2016.

[Info] Eastwood, Margaret, et al. Silent Voices: War Rape and the Battlefield on Women s Bodies. Liverpool John Moores University. Liverpool 2009.

[Info] Flisi, Isabella. Engendering the Understanding of War Sexual Violence: Men Victims of Sexual Violence and Hyper Masculinities. War and Sexual Violence. New York 2016.

[Info] Gaca, Kathy. Girls, Women, and the Sexual Norms of War from Antiquity to the Modern Day. The History of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones. Iowa City 2006.

[Info] Gerstend rfer, Monika. Gewalt gegen Frauen als politisches und milit risches Kalk l. Der rote Faden zwischen Krieg und Frieden. Beitr ge zur feministischen Theorie und Praxis 27 (2004): 17-29.

[Info] Gorris, Ellen A.P. Invisible victims? Where are male victims of conflict-related sexual violence in international law and policy? European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (2015): 412-427.

[Info] Heineman, Elizabeth. The history of sexual violence in conflict zones. Conference report. Radical history review No. 101 (2008): 5-21.

[Info] Heineman, Elizabeth D. Introduction: The History of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: From the Ancient World to the Era of Human Rights. Edited by Elizabeth D. Heineman. Philadelphia 2011: 1-21.

[Info] Heineman, Elizabeth D., ed. Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: From the Ancient World to the Era of Human Rights. Philadelphia 2011.

[Info] Henry, Nicola. Theorizing Wartime Rape: Deconstructing Gender, Sexuality, and Violence. Gender & Society (October 9, 2015).

[Info] Jones, Joshua A. Addressing the Use of Sexual Violence as a Strategic Weapon of War. Student Pulse 5 (2013).

[Info] K mmel, Gerhard. Sex in the Army. Milit rische Organisationen und Sexualit t Forschungsthema Milit r. Milit rische Organisationen im Spannungsfeld von Krieg, Gesellschaft und soldatischen Subjekten. Edited by Maja Appelt. Wiesbaden 2010: 221-242.

[Info] Laws, J. War and rape. History today 55 (2005): 60.

[Info] Lilly, J. Robert, et al. Rape Wartime. Encyclopedia of criminology and deviant behavior. Vol. 3. Edited by Clifton D. Bryant. Philadelphia 2000: 318-322.

[Info] Manjoo, Rashida. Sexual Violence in War and Peace. Against Our Will Forty Years After: Exploring the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Hamburg 2015.

[Info] Mikaberidze, Alexander, ed. Atrocities, Massacres, and War Crimes: An Encyclopedia. 2 Volumes. Santa Barbara 2013.

[Info] Milillo, Diana. Rape as a tactic of war. Social and psychological perspectives. Affilia 21 (2006): 196-205.

[Info] Mischowski, Gabriela. Geschichte, Probleme und Zwickm hlen der internationalen Strafverfolgung sexualisierter Kriegsgewalt. Zwangsprostitution und Krieg im 20. und beginnenden 21. Jahrhundert. F rstenberg/Havel 2007.

[Info] Mischowski, Gabriela. Between Analysis and Politics. Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Paris 2012.

[Info] Morrow, Lance. Rape. Reader s companion to military history. Edited by Robert Cowley et al. Boston 1996: 378-379.

[Info] M hlh user, Regina. "Wie jedes Gewehr oder jede Granate dient Vergewaltigung einem bestimmten milit rischen Zweck...": Zur Systematik sexueller Gewalt in Kriegen. Frauen aus aller Welt. Dresden 2006.

[Info] M hlh user, Regina. Post-Conflict Mapping: Moments of Silencing/Addressing Perpetrators of Sexual Violence. Perpetrators Reactions and Responses. Coimbra 2011.

[Info] M hlh user, Regina. Sexuelle Gewalt in milit rischen Konflikten: T ter, T terinnen und Opfer. Der Krieg der Schwestern: Die neue Menschlichkeit des Milit rs? Hannover 2011.

[Info] M hlh user, Regina. The Idea of an international, interdisciplinary Research Network. Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Paris 2012.

[Info] M hlh user, Regina, et al. Sexuelle Gewalt in Kriegen. Auswahlbibliographie. Mittelweg 36 10 (2001): 21-32.

[Info] M hlh user, Regina, et al. Forschungsverbund Sexuelle Gewalt in bewaffneten Konflikten . L Homme 21 (2010): 85-88.

[Info] Muravyeva, Marianna. Ni pillage ni viol sans ordre pr alable . Codifier la guerre dans l Europe moderne. Clio No. 39 (2014): 55-81.

[Info] Opitz, Claudia. Von Frauen im Krieg zum Krieg gegen Frauen. Krieg, Gewalt und Geschlechterbeziehungen aus historischer Sicht. L Homme 3 (1992): 31-44.

[Info] Opitz, Claudia. Von Frauen im Krieg zum Krieg gegen Frauen. Krieg, Gewalt und Geschlechterbeziehungen aus historischer Sicht. Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Frauen kein Thema? Edited by Gisela Gr ning. M nster 1993: 11-28.

[Info] Pohl, Rolf. Massenvergewaltigungen. Zum Verh ltnis von Krieg und m nnlicher Sexualit t. Mittelweg 36 11 (2002): 53-75.

[Info] Sajor, Indai L, ed. Common grounds. Violence against women in war and armed conflict situations. Quezon City 1998.

[Info] Sample, Lisa, et al. Rape During Political Conflicts: A Call to Study Offenders and Victims. 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. San Francisco 2010.

[Info] Schott, Robin M. Just war and the problem of evil. Hypatia 23 (2008): 122-140.

[Info] Schott, Robin M. War rape, natality and genocide Journal of Genocide Research 13 (2011): 5-21.

[Info] Seifert, Ruth. Krieg und Vergewaltigung. Ans tze zu einer Analyse. Massenvergewaltigung. Krieg gegen Frauen. Edited by Alexandra Stiglmayer. Freiburg 1993: 85-108.

[Info] Seifert, Ruth. The Female Body as a Symbol and a Sign: Gender-Specific Violence in War. Women s Bodies as Battlefields - Sexual Violence against Women in Wartime. Hamburg 2001.

[Info] Seifert, Ruth. Il corpo femminile come corpo politico. Lo stupro, la guerra e la nazione. Difesa sociale 86 (2007): 41-54.

[Info] Sivakumaran, Sandesh. Sexual violence against men in armed conflict. European journal of international law 18 (2007): 253-276.

[Info] Stoff, Laurie, et al. Gender and Conflict: A New Journal, New Questions. 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017.

[Info] Wachalaa, Kas. The Tools to Combat the War on Women's Bodies: Rape and Sexual Violence against Women in Armed Conflict. International Journal of Human Rights 16 (2012): 533-553.

[Info] Winter, Sebastian. Male and Military Pseudo-Solutions for the Dilemma of Sexuality. War and Sexual Violence. New York 2016.

[Info] Wood, Elisabeth J. Multiple perpetrator rape during war. Handbook on the Study of Multiple Perpetrator Rape: A multidisciplinary response to an international problem. Edited by Miranda A.H. Horvath et al. New York 2013: 132-159.

[Info] Zipfel, Gaby. M nnlichkeit, Sexualit t und Gewalt im Krieg Zur Systematik von sexueller Gewalt und Zwangsprostitution. Zwangsprostitution und Krieg im 20. und beginnenden 21. Jahrhundert. F rstenberg/Havel 2007.